Friday, April 3, 2009

Pandara Key Concepts

*Preserve Tibetan and Himalayan ancient wisdom and adapt it to the modern world

*Cultivate compassion in everyday living (e.g., through the teachings on Tara & Avalokiteshvara, anger elimination workshop, meditation on loving kindness and compassion, etc.)

*Practice on inner awakening based on Dzogchen perspective

*Translate classic texts on Mahayana Buddhism into Thai & English

*Conduct educational activities to bridge the various traditions of Buddhism and to promote understanding in other spiritual traditions (conferences on body and mind, happiness, mind and life, science and Buddhism, death and dying).

*Do charity work both in Thailand and Tibetan areas in China (support children, nuns and retreatants)

*Preserve environment (plant trees, do organic farming, etc.)

*Reach out to marginalized groups in society (patients, prisoners, etc.)

All the work is based on these principles with the objectives to promote peace and love in society (to make people become happier persons, no matter what they call themselves) and to promote better understanding of Vajrayana Buddhism in Thailand.

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